The Gemeinsame Einrichtung KVG acts in the interest of its clients, employees, benefactors and the public.

Our principles in respect of corporate governance are:

Our activities derive from the recommendations of the Swiss Code of Best Practice and are based on our deed and founding regulations. This, in particular, means for us:

  • Division of powers and clearly defined separation of tasks between the foundation board and management
  • Transparent organization- and management structure with clearly allocated responsibilities
  • Balanced relationship between management and controlling
  • Prevention of a conflict of interest and knowledge imbalance between members of the foundation board and/or management in respect of the foundation’s business operations
  • Attention to business risks and adherence to legal regulations thanks to a well-developed risk management and internal controlling system
  • Protection of personal rights and the adequate protection of data
  • Approval of procedural regulations by the foundation board as well as by the Federal Department of Internal Affairs
  • Transparent and comprehensive communication of information to the public by means of the internet and other channels of information
  • Publication of a business report (incl. annual figures based on an approved standard of accounting)

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